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Service Industries everywhere
SaaraHarinDate: Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 9:54 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 1
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Unlike physical products, services cannot be seen, tasted, felt, hear or smelled before they are bought. The persons getting a face lift cannot see the results before the purchase, and won’t be able to know the exact outcome. To reduce the uncertainity, buyers will look for evidence of quality. They will draw inferences about quality from the place, people, equipment symbols, price etc that they see. The service provider’s task is to manage the evidence to tangibilize the intangible. The product marketers are challenged to add theoretical ideas whereas service marketers are challenged to add physical evidence and imagery to abstract offers.

Service companies can try to demonstrate their service quality through physical evidence and presentation. Advertisement and the there by modeling have the crucial role in this context. In this scenario, modeling portfolioshave great importance like any other thing. The type of models, the theme the companies want and use the ambience they give to the advertisement all will be different from that of the other sector. It’s because service industry are meant for all the common people starting from the poor to the high class. So the right scheme should be applied from the available portfolio.

As the importance and role of service industries are getting increased, there are certain criteria’s to be followed or fulfilled by them. The exterior and interior of service industry should have cleanliness. The layout should be properly drawn. The personnel’s should be busy i.e; there should be enough personnel to manage the workload. Service marketers must be able to transform intangible services into concrete benefits. Companies must first develop a clear picture of what they want the customer’s perception of an experience to be and then to design a consistent set of performance and context clues to support that experience. The nature of the service mix also has implications for how customers evaluate quality. From some services, customers cannot judge the technical quality even after they have received the service.

Message edited by SaaraHarin - Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 9:55 AM
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